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Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men: Treatment Options

When we talk about hormones, we often think about women experiencing menopause. But did you know men also experience a similar phase in life? It is called andropause, sometimes referred to as “male menopause.”

During this phase, men may experience a decrease in testosterone levels, which can lead to various symptoms. One treatment option for this is hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Here we will understand hormonal imbalance in men and explore the various treatment options for hormone replacement therapy for men.

What Is Hormonal Imbalance?

Hormonal imbalance happens when there is too much or too little of a hormone in your bloodstream. For men, one key hormone is testosterone, which helps with things like muscle building, hair growth, and maintaining interest in sex.

Testosterone levels generally hit their peak during adolescence and early adulthood. However, as men age, these levels start to gradually decrease. Starting around age 30 or 40, testosterone levels in men typically decline by about 1% per year.

When testosterone levels drop significantly, it can lead to various symptoms, including:

  • Depression

  • Diminished work performance

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • General pain or stiffness

  • Grumpy demeanor

  • Hair loss

  • Hot flashes

  • Irritability

  • Loss of energy or fatigue

  • Loss of sex drive (libido)

  • Loss of strength and endurance

  • Memory loss

  • Mood swings

  • Muscle loss

  • Night sweats

  • Sleep disturbances

  • Urinary problems

  • Weight gain

To counteract the effects of low testosterone, some men may consider bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). This treatment can improve the signs and symptoms of low testosterone in men diagnosed with hypogonadism, a condition where the body produces very little or no sex hormones.

Hormonal Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, is a treatment used to balance hormone levels in the body. There are many types of hormone replacements for men, including testosterone replacement therapy, DHEA therapy, and human growth hormone replacement.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is the most widely used hormone replacement therapy for men. This therapy can help improve energy levels, increase muscle mass, and bone density, enhance sexual function, and improve mood.

There are several ways to administer TRT in men, such as:

  • Injections: Testosterone can be injected directly into the muscles every two to three weeks. This method allows the body to slowly absorb the hormone into the bloodstream.

  • Skin patches or gels: These are applied to the skin daily. The skin absorbs testosterone, which enters the bloodstream over time.

  • Implants: Small pellets are inserted under the skin. They slowly release testosterone over time.

The best testosterone replacement therapy method will depend on your individual circumstances and preferences.

DHEA Therapy

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone naturally produced by our adrenal glands. It helps to produce male and female hormones, including testosterone.

Your hormone doctor will check your current DHEA levels to assess how well your body can repair itself. If needed, they can recommend DHEA therapy, which involves taking supplements to increase the levels of DHEA in the body. This therapy may help improve energy levels, mood, and sexual function.

Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy

Growth hormone (GH) is a hormone that is crucial for the growth and repair of tissues in the body. As men age, the body may produce less GH, leading to decreased muscle mass and slower recovery times from injuries. Growth hormone replacement therapy involves

administering GH through injections. This therapy may help improve muscle mass and bone density.

Your hormone doctor can also screen for the level of GH in your body and recommend growth hormone therapy if needed.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men in Spring, TX

Hormonal imbalances can cause unwanted and sometimes debilitating symptoms in men. Hormone replacement therapy is a treatment option that can help bring the body back into balance. With different available options, it is crucial to discuss HRT with a hormone doctor before starting treatment.

If you are considering hormone replacement therapy and are located in and around Springs, TX, visit us here at Family Weight & Wellness Clinic and Medi-Spa to determine whether hormone replacement therapy is right for you. Our hormone doctor will consider your health history and

perform various screening tests to determine the level of hormones in your body. Based on the results of initial assessment and testing, we will develop a tailored hormone replacement therapy program. To ensure that your HRT produces desirable results, our hormone expert also arranges follow-up visits for you at three weeks, six weeks, six months, and one year.

If you would like to learn more about HRT for men or want to make an appointment with our hormone doctor, Dr. Richardson, call us today at (281) 292-2300 or book a visit by submitting an appointment request form. We look forward to serving you!

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